UML Specification example files
DEFT has been developed for Windows. Java 1.6 is required.
If you want to use LibreOffice as integrated editor, please install LibreOffice up to version 3.3.2. Later versions will not work, unfortunately.
You can also build DEFT yourself. The sources are available under
You will need the Eclipse Modeling Tools for Indigo with Subclipse to download and build DEFT from source.
Download the latest
Team Project File.
Start Eclipse. Select
. In the import
dialog select Team Project Set (under
Team), navigate to the downloaded Team Project
File and click on Finish. -
Wait. Downloading DEFT from Sourceforge via Subclipse takes
an hour or two (the combination of Subclipse and Sourceforge is
unfortunately very slow).
After the code has been checked out, right-click on project
org.deft and select
won't work properly, yet, so you can immediately close
it. -
. Navigate to the Plug-ins
tab of the Eclipse Application org.deft.application. Make sure all
workspace plugins are selected. Uncheck Include optional
dependencies. Click on Add Required
Plugins. Apply and
If you know SVN and Eclipse you might want to use the command
line client to get the DEFT source code from Sourceforge, because it
is much faster.